Creating an account is simple! Visit the Flight Rising website and click the large, red SIGN UP! button in the top right corner of the browser window.
To get a bit more detailed about registering your account for Flight Rising:
Clicking the SIGN UP! button at the top of the page at will take you to our account registration page.
Follow the instructions on the account registration page thoroughly.
Please be sure to use an e-mail address that you have reliable access to, as it is the primary way in which you will interact with our Support team should you need any help in the future and verify that it's really you logging in if you take a break from playing. It's also important to register with accurate, verifiable information in the event you lose access to your account. Support cannot provide access to an account if our team can't verify you're the registered account holder!
If you do not receive your confirmation code, you will need to contact Flight Rising Support for assistance.
Once you've signed up, you'll be able to click the Loging button and begin your adventure!
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