Our dragon restoration service will allow you to do the following:
Restore one or both of your progenitors, completely free. The service can be used once every three (3) days, and only requires that you have the space for these dragons in your lair.
Restore one normal dragon that you exalted in the last forty-five (45) days, at a cost comparable to what the dragon left behind when it was exalted. This service can be used once every forty-five (45) days and requires that you have the space for this dragon in your lair.
Why is the cool-down for normal dragons forty-five (45) days, and why can we only restore one?
The dragon restoration service is meant to be a means of correcting a recent mistake. Allowing frequent restorations of several dragons could run the risk of players exploiting both lair capacities and Dominance.
Is there a reason that the progenitor restoration cool-down is so much shorter?
As progenitor dragons do not provide monetary gain or affect Dominance, we feel there is little risk in leaving this service on a short cool-down.
My progenitors were exalted a long time ago and probably have no energy left. If I restore them, will they disrupt my daily login bonus?
Nope! When you restore any dragon, it'll rejoin your lair with full energy. Your bonus should remain intact
What if the dragon I want to restore was exalted longer than forty-five (45) days ago? Will Flight Rising Support be able to help?
No. If you found you've made a mistake in exalting a dragon, be sure to utilize the service right away so you can get them back!
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