Flight Rising is a game and entertainment site. We are not equipped to moderate discussions focused on topics like religion, politics, and most current events.
Content dedicated to topics which fall under real-world religion or politics will be locked or removed without warning. We understand religious or political discussions can organically start but we ask that you do your best to not engage in these topics or start discussions about these topics on our website.
This policy also includes but is not limited to posting “calls to action” for campaigns or the purpose of proselytizing for a religion in forum threads, clan profiles, dragon biographies, forum signatures, etc. (May 26, 2022)
This policy also includes but is not limited to posting vague references to religion, politics, or current events in forum threads. (May 26, 2022)
This policy also includes but is not limited to posting suggestions that pertain to religion, politics, or current events in the Suggestions forum. These suggestions have a history of becoming targeted towards other players and groups, ultimately going off-topic. If there is an issue of sensitivity or a reference that we may have missed or that holds implications, connotations, or history we were unaware of at the time of release, please notify us directly through Contact Us. (May 26, 2022)
This policy includes but is not limited to religious images and iconography that are internationally or officially recognized icons of organized religions. They are not allowed on the site. This also applies to imagery and iconography that exists in direct opposition to, deconstruction of, or desecration of the imagery or iconography of recognized organized religions.
Themes that have been adopted into sci-fi or fantasy media (such as alchemy, wizardry, celestial, or abyssal themes, feathered wings, halos, horns, etc) do not fall under this definition at this time. (February 23, 2024)
Depending on the context, severity, and intent behind the thread, content, or replies posted by a player, account or forum penalties may be deemed warranted by Flight Rising Support.
We do not consider human rights movements to be matters of religion or politics; however, as we’ve noted above, we are simply not equipped to moderate these topics. Threads or discussions about them will be moderated (most likely locked) and inflammatory rhetoric or political slogans may be removed, but the player will not be penalized; the exception to this is if a player repeatedly posts about them after moderation has occurred, they have already been asked to stop, and the player does not stop. (May 26, 2022/February 22, 2024)
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